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Learn the art of non-doing.


based on the Alexander Technique

Hi, I'm Chris! I'm here to accompany you on the path of gaining more body consciousness to avoid tension and chronic pain, gain more balance, lightness and efficiency in each activity, and develop a healthy, happy and graceful posture.

Interested? Send me a message!





Before you continue to read, take a moment. Observe how you are in space, in your body and in your mind right now. Can you let go of any tension, become light and expand in all directions? Are you grounded and breathing easily? When you go on reading now, try to stay effortlessly aware of yourself.


As a body consciousness and posture therapist based on the Alexander Technique, I will hold space and and provide support while we explore the complex and subtle oneness of body, mind and spirit through everyday movements and activities. Together, we will discover unconscious patterns and habits that cause unnecessary tension, blockage and heaviness.


And I will take you by the hand on the way of uprooting those patterns, little by little, through a gentle but profound shift in thinking movement. By consciously responding, rather than blindly reacting, to the stimuli of life, we find a new freedom of choice and, ultimately, can reach a state of non-doing or non-interference, in which the movement or activity does itself effortlessly.


This means a step into the unknown, an expansion of consciousness and embodiment, and a return to a more natural way of being and moving in space.

It is a creative process and a deep transformation towards freedom, lightness, happiness and moment-to-moment awareness in the here and now.

I received my 4-year training at the Alexander Technique Training Center (AZAT) in Berlin, Germany, and I am a member of the Brazilian Alexander Technique Association (ABTA).


I offer individual and group sessions, as well as workshops, both in person and online.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

Viktor Frankl


Each session helps you learn a little more about the habits that limit you – and how to get out of them. Reconnecting consciousness and body, you will step into the unknown, which is an immense space of possibilities, freedom, balance and well-being in each movement.


Since its very origins, the Alexander Technique has helped people in high performance areas, such as musicians, actors, dancers or athletes. Increasing the awareness and coordination in each movement improves results, efficiency and expressiveness.


The cause of many chronic pains, such as back pain or neck pain, has to do with our movement and posture habits. I offer you a new paradigm to uproot these habits for a life without pain and tension.


We are taught that "good posture" is something we have to do and hold, creating harmful habits and tensions that control our movements. Understanding the posture as a psychosomatic dynamic that, if allowed, happens alone, stimulates a natural alignment full of grace, health and efficiency.


Phone: +55 (62) 993839913

Rua José Gabriel, QD. 6, LT 13/14, Jardim Taquaral

Pirenópolis-GO, 72986-745


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